Keeping a Nature Sketchbook

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If you love nature and like the idea of keeping a nature sketchbook, this workshop is for you!

Sketching Nature: Trees, Birds and Flowers

with Charlene Collins Freeman

Sketching Nature: Trees, Birds and Flowers

Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:00pm

November 8, 15, 22, 29
December 6, 13 & 20

We will cover tips and techniques for drawing and watercolor painting a variety of trees in all seasons, birds and flowers. We will start out with drawing basics, using reference photos, and going outdoors. We will study shapes, colors, textures, composition, and details. Whether you want to learn how to study nature for your sketchbook or for larger paintings, this course is for you.

All Levels of Skill Welcome.

Three Main Learning Objectives:

To understand basic principals of drawing in graphite, pen, and painting in watercolors.

To introduce students to fundamentals of depicting trees and their parts: roots, trunk, branches, leaves; flowers and birds.

To practice techniques of drawing and watercolor painting.

Designed to teach skills, give encouragement and create the environment needed to explore and develop our natural creativity with an emphasis on fine art skills. Focus on drawing, watercolor painting and keeping a sketchbook.

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Come join us!

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Charlene Freeman