We've added a new teen class!


Our Monday night teen class is almost full so we have added a Wednesday teen class! 

Taught by Leela Trumbo on Wednesdays 6:15pm - 8:15pm. 

Classes Start February 7th and you can register for classes month to month. You can join at any time and stop and start up again as your schedule allows.

$95/month (ongoing, register month to month)

Designed to give teens the skills, encouragement and environment they need to explore and develop their natural creativity with an emphasis on fine art skills. Focus on drawing from life, contemporary art and keeping a sketchbook. Students will learn about classical art techniques and apply them to contemporary art. In this class students will gain the skills to capture the world around them and infuse it with their imagination.

For more information and to register please visit www.leelatrumbo.com/shop.

Charlene Freeman