Digital Photography Workshop for Troop 44529


After a Cloud 9 Girl Scout workshop to earn the Digital Photographer badge, girls learned about their cameras, lighting, composition and digital editing, Troop 44529 worked together to put a series of photographs encompassing their theme "Friendship."

To earn this badge the girls learned about the different parts of their camera and how to take care of them.

They also studied Morgan Heim's photographs.  You can see some of her work here. Morgan Heim is a female photographer making a huge impact with her photographs by drawing attention to environmental injustices.

Taking inspiration from Heim's photographs the Girl Scouts explored digital photography by taking their own photographs. Each girl was asked to take a portrait, a macro photo, and to shoot different objects from different angles and perspectives while keeping in mind that good lighting and composition are key.

After taking dozens of photographs the girls were introduced to, a free online digital editing tool. Their group project was to come up with a theme and all take and edit a photograph that goes along with the theme.

Troop 44529 decided their theme would be "friendship."

Below are some of their photographs. Photos from this workshop will hang at Cloud 9 too.

Great job girls! 

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Charlene Freeman