Next Steps in Watercolors


Charlene Collins Freeman is offering Next Steps in Watercolors as a 6 Week Workshop for Adults & Teens who have had some experience watercolor painting.

Next Steps in Watercolors

Saturdays 1:30m - 4pm

February 1 - March 7

This class continues the exploration of watercolors that started in the Watercolors for Beginners workshop. You do not have to have taken that workshop to participate in this workshop.

Discover the magic of watercolor painting! Learn about watercolor paper, paints, brushes, and how to paint in a fun, nurturing atmosphere. Learn to see like an artist, develop basic drawing and brushstroke skills. Discover the value of light and shadow to add drama to your paintings!

Participate in creative exercises and build your skills to take your artwork to the next level.

Each of the lessons of our workshop will introduce new ideas and exercises, and techniques.  You will get a creative workout, but in a relaxed, supportive setting, where experimentation and play are encouraged while techniques and observation are emphasized. 

For suggested art supplies, click here. These are suggestions and you do not need all of these supplies. For our first class, feel free to bring any watercolor supplies you already have on hand and we will take it from there. Also, please buy this lovely book, Everyday Watercolor by Jenna Rainey.

All skill levels welcome. 

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