Online Weekly Art Classes for 9 - 12 year olds

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Online Weekly Art Classes for 9 - 12 year olds taught by Leela Trumbo

Online using Zoom.

(For more information about how to use Zoom, click here.)

Tuesdays throughout the month

4pm to 5pm


Fall classes will be focused on sketching and drawing so we will be focusing on building our foundational skills and improving our observational drawing! Balancing fun with learning kids will learn how to draw a huge variety of things like drawing from real life, pokemon, animals, nature, and more!  Learn all about drawing, painting, history of art, and all sorts of other fun projects.

Zoom art classes allow kids to stay creative, learn new skills, and interact with other kids who love art.

 About Zoom

The classroom code and password will be sent to you each day 30mins prior to class. When you log in you will be able to see what supplies will be needed for that day. I recommend logging in 5-10mins prior to give yourself time to gather supplies for the day.

You do not need a zoom account to attend a meeting. Students with cameras will be able to share their work with other artists in class and are highly recommended to do so. Sharing our work is the best part about creating together and helps us stay connected. Students are encouraged to ask questions and chat during the lesson.


Leela would like the supplies for her classes to be as approachable as possible. If your kids don’t already have these supplies, she has provided recommendations that link to Amazon.


  • A sketchbook. Ask your teen what size works best for them. Leela recommends this sketchbook or this one


  • loose-leaf paper in a folder 

Thick Printer paper (Leela recommends this paper)

A folder to organize drawings by theme, date or medium, such as this one.


Any pencil will do but Leela recommends this  Turquoise Sketching Set.


A bad eraser can ruin a drawing so here are some good ones: here and here. Leela is suggesting two options in case one is sold out or the shipping will take too long. 


Leela recommends these pens and these.


Color Pencils & Markers, Leela believes that most brandsl are fine. If you are unsure what to get, we recommend these color pencils and these markers.

Charlene Freeman