Stylish Figure Drawings

ONLINE Stylish Figure Drawings

Thursdays June 2 & 9 (2 sessions)
1pm - 3pm (Pacific Time)

Online using Zoom.


All skill levels welcome.

Discover fun ways to create your own style of marks and lines in figure drawing. This class is about capturing the feeling of movement and fluidity from human figures. You will learn how to use loose lines creating motion and when to use short sketchy lines emphasizing details. We will experiment with various materials and mark making - ink, watercolor, color pencil, charcoal, artgraf, pastel. You are welcome to bring other materials to explore and create your own style. We will draw and paint together looking at fashion photographs. You are welcome to share your collection of photographs into the class and to work on your own artwork.

Week 1 - Movement and Fluidity
Week 2 - Experimental materials

- Drawing or mix media paper
- ink
- watercolor
- spray bottle
- oil pastel or/and soft pastel
- Graphite stick
- Charcoal

For more information and to register, click here.

Charlene Freeman