Online Mediums & Styles: Creating 100 Animals in 10 Weeks

Online Mediums & Styles: Creating 100 Animals in 10 Weeks with Charlene Collins Freeman

Online using Zoom.

(For more information about how to use Zoom, click here.)

Tuesdays 10am - 12pm (Pacific Time)
March 26 - May 28

Classes are recorded so if you can’t attend during class sessions, you won’t miss a thing! The recordings will be available for one month after the workshop ends.


For more information and to register, click here.

As far as supplies, bring your favorites, bring what you have discovered recently, or supplies you had forgotten you had. Anything and everything!

Come join me in a goal to create 100 animals in 10 weeks. You will be free to move at your own pace as this isn’t about me setting a pace of unrealistic expectations. There is no such thing as falling short and getting behind. Ultimately, the goal of this workshop, is to inspire each other for 10 weeks, share different ways of creating animal art and learning about styles and mediums.

Not only is this is a great way to practice creating animals but it will also push us to explore techniques, mediums, and styles. It will guide us towards finding our preferences and originality. It will help everyone develop a habit of pursuing a creative goal for 10 weeks while we share our ideas and inspiration with each other.

Each week, I will share information about creating animal art, we will share our work, and watch videos on various styles, techniques, or mediums. You will be encouraged to share your animals with the class as we learn and laugh our way through the challenge of creating 100 animals in 10 weeks.

Your work doesn’t need to be based on the information shared during our time together. You can use whatever mediums you prefer (and hopefully you’ll be inspired to use a wide variety - graphite, charcoal, ink, watercolor, gouache, pastel, acrylic, collage, alcohol washes, digital art, colored pencils, fiber, oil, mixed mediums, and whatever you want to explore). You can experiment with different surfaces: mixed media paper, canvas, watercolor projects, sanded paper, mat board, fabric, colored papers, wood, sand, anything goes!

You can create the work from reference photos I provide each week, or from your own photos, from your imagination, or you can draw inspiration from work by the masters,

Some of the animal artwork may come together in 5 minutes, some might take hours, or days to complete. It’s completely up to you. The idea is to keep creating and having fun while learning!

As we progress from week to week, you will find that you are making marks more confidently, having more fun, and learning from each other. You might find that your proportions are getting more accurate and your animals more believable. Or you might find that your approach gets looser, more abstract. You will find which mediums and styles work for you.

We will have time in class to work on our creations and the only homework will be to draw as many animals as you can each week. Come join me!

Upon registration I will email you our week by week lessons and suggested supplies for those lessons. Please keep in mind that you don’t have to create animal art from the styles and techniques I will share each week. You can explore what interests you. And although it will be helpful for you to know the supplies I use each week in advance, you are really encouraged to use the supplies you already have on hand. Bring what you have discovered recently, or supplies you had forgotten you had. Anything and everything!

For more information, and to register, click here.

Charlene Freeman