Online Online Drawing Facial Expressions & Emotions


Drawing Facial Expressions & Emotions
For Adults & Teens with
Charlene Collins Freeman

Fridays 10am - 12pm 

March 26 - May 14

8 weeks


Online using Zoom.

(For more information about how to use Zoom, click here.)

Want to create portraits that capture the real person? Want to draw convincing illustrations? Want to show the range of human emotion in your artwork? We will work in sketchbooks, using creative exercises to improve our ability to see and draw. This workshop is based on Gary Faigin’s book The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression.

This book is considered the definitive guide to capturing facial expressions. We will study the expressions created by individual facial muscles and focus on six basic human emotions: sadness, anger, joy, fear, disgust, and surprise.

Each of the lessons will introduce new ideas and exercises, and challenge you to think about this tricky subject in new ways.  You will get a creative workout, but in a relaxed, supportive setting.

For more information and to register, click here.
