Keeping a Nature Sketchbook

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Wednesdays 10am - 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)
April 7 - May 12
All levels welcome.
Online using Zoom.
(For more information about how to use Zoom, click here.)

For more information and to register, click here.

Nature Journaling is not about producing artwork to frame, although it could happen. It is about exploring nature by really looking, recording observations with sketches and notes, and understanding more about the world around us.

Nature journaling is about thinking like a chipmunk or wanting a sip from a red shiny bottle full of sugar as much as a hummingbird. It is about getting curious about our backyards, asking questions and then finding the answers not by turning to the internet or a book but by creating a journal full of information from careful, mindful watching. And in the process, you will fall in love with nature, maybe for the first time and maybe for the millionth time. What we pay attention to, we end up understanding and loving more.

In this class we will explore ways to record what you learn from observing nature in a deeper way. We will learn how to artistically render, notate and arrange what we experience. We will explore layouts, type, mixing words and images alongside swatches of color and simple brushstrokes. It will be a creative process that will bring you joy both while you are creating your pages and later when you look back at them, Our sketchbooks will bring all the emotion and sensation rushing back to you as fresh as your initial encounter.

Each week we will explore another facet of presentation. We will build out your toolbox to have at the ready anytime you open your journal. There will be discussions about materials, methods and developing a questioning spirit.

Join us in this 6-week online class that will include videos, written instructions, class participation and virtual field trips where we will all practice drawing from life.

For more information and to register, click here.

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Charlene Freeman