Introduction to Scratchboard

Online Introduction to Scratchboard

Friday, 2pm - 4:15pm (Pacific time)

March 18


Online using Zoom.

All levels welcome.

Class recording available up to 4 weeks after class ends.

If you are curious about scratchboard but not sure where to begin this is a workshop for you! What is SCRATCHBOARD? It is a black and white drawing medium. The board itself is made of fine white clay covered in black ink. You draw by scratching away the black surface to reveal white lines. The more your scratch, the whiter the drawing becomes.

This workshop will show basic techniques, how to create values and how to think in reverse (opposite to drawing with black ink on paper). Choose from a number of images to create your first scratchboard artwork: bug, bunny or bird.


Before the workshop begins I will send out an email with an invitation to Zoom, along with a few images to work from.


Graphite pencil and eraser

Ampersand Scratchboard 5 x 5” - 2 pieces (normally sold in a pack of 3)

Ampersand Scratchboard tool kit

If you would like to purchase less - buy only the scratch knife instead.

For more information & to register, click here.

Charlene Freeman